Do for one…

Do for one…

Beaming with excitement my friend exclaimed…I love shopping for Christmas.  I sat in almost disbelief.    It was only the first week of December and I was already overwhelmed by the season.  The lists, the shopping, the gifts, the food, the parties, the needs and the expectations.  My inbox had been flooded for weeks with needs. Baptist Children’s Home. Angel Tree.  Samaritan’s Purse. Lottie Moon Christmas…

Ensuring peace…

Ensuring peace…

The bible says…taste and see the LORD is good! (Ps. 34:8) So we did…at my brother’s house in the “Neighborhood of Happiness”. My sister-in-law hosts the most amazing Thanksgiving dinner and I am blessed beyond measure by her love and sacrifice!! As wonderful as the  holidays are, they are also filled with increased demands on our time, budgets and relationships. I woke up the other day…


He led you through the vast and dreadful wilderness, that thirsty and waterless land, with its venomous snakes and scorpions. (Deut 8:15)   At first glance, it may seem the only thing worse than finding yourself in the wilderness, is realizing God led you there. (Luke 4:1)   Let’s be clear. The wilderness is dreadful. It is vast. It is dry. The enemy lurks in the…

Ransom Demands

Approximately, seven or eight years ago I sensed God convicting me. At the time, I was still learning to discern the voice of God. The conviction seemed crazy, maybe even illogical. I didn’t want to obey. Obedience would require a leap of faith, a ton of time, a lot of money and a life-long commitment.   So, instead of obedience, I offered God my list of…